Monday, March 21, 2011 Promoting The Killing of Dog Breeders, the popular website that allows anyone to create and sell products such as t-shirts, mugs, bumperstickers, etc, has crossed the line, and therefore a boycott is in order!

A user of that website by the name of "romeolover410" has created nothing short of a message condoning the murdering of dog breeders.  While taking a look at some other products, one is also available that says, "Save a Pitbull..Euthanize A Breeder"

According to's user agreement , the products created for sale by "romeolover410" using the slogan, "Adopt A Dog Euthanize A Breeder", is in clear violation of their user agreement!
User Conduct

In using this Site, you agree to not:

upload, download, post, email or otherwise transmit any materials including but not limited to text, data, photos, graphics, stitch files, or any of these elements in combination as a design for products available on this Site or otherwise ("Content") that are unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, vulgar, harassing, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, profane, indecent, inflammatory, libelous, tortious, hateful, racially, ethnically, socially, politically, legally, morally, religiously objectionable or otherwise objectionable, or invasive of another's rights including but not limited to rights of celebrity, privacy and intellectual property.

What can we do??

Visit the product page (if you can stomach it) and leave a comment; there are several there already.

More importantly, contact directly and let them know that this "slogan" is promoting the killing of human beings and you won't do business with any company that allows this type of message to be sold.

Of course, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that "romeolover 410" is part of the animal rights lunatic fringe....any doubts now how the ARs feel about dog breeders?  They have no qualms about seeing human beings KILLED. 

Don't forget "euthanize" is just the "cleaned-up" way of saying KILL.

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